Tuffy, the Bar Cat
As humans we have come to welcome furry creatures into our homes and consider them family. Cats are special animals that have stolen the hearts of so many and all by choice. Did you know that cats are the only domesticated animals that chose human companionship? A cat is naturally born with all the tools and means of self sufficiency; however, they make their way into our lives and only make them better. Not all felines choose people, but most have grown to indulge in the affection.
Here at the Long Horn Saloon we had a very special cat who took full care of himself but still enjoyed lots of people's love. Tuffy, the mascot of the Wild West Junction. Tuffy lived around the Junction for his whole life.
During the day this boy could be found lounging around in his many different favorite nap spots around the Junction including staircases, balconies, and even just in the dirt. This unique guy was seen roaming town hunting for mice. In the evening he liked to stop into the Long Horn Saloon and claim a seat at the bar to enjoy a shot of half and half and mingle with the guests.
While Tuffy, is no longer with us, we can be sure that he is up in kitty heaven enjoying all the half and half he can get.